We are always on the look out for new writers and artists to work with. If you think that might be you then please get in touch.
Artists - please email us a link to your portfolio and, if at all possible and only if you're comfortable doing so, a rough idea of your commission rate for 1 full page piece in your style.
Drop us a line and we'll then be in touch as and when something comes up that we think is in your wheelhouse.
Please note do not to limit ourselves to traditional ideas of fantasy art (though we love a Frazetta as much as the next death dealer), so whatever your style or medium, feel free to get in touch, that is unless it's anything to do with AI art or NFTs.
Writers - we welcome submissions from writers from all over the planet and all walks of life but please, for the love of god, have a flick through at least one issue before you get in touch so you have some idea of what we cover (you don't even need to buy a copy as our first two issues are free to download).
If you're still at a loss, Wyrd Science is a magazine about - generally speaking fantasy/sci-fi/horror - tabletop games and mainly though not solely RPGs. Right now we do not publish new rules, scenarios etc etc, rather our focus is on telling the stories of the people that make and play these games and the culture that surrounds them.
OSR, trad, story games, wargames, board games, however you roll your dice we believe that games can be wonderful, profound and utterly, utterly ridiculous and we treat space wizards and sentient jellies with the respect they truly deserve.
Until we can figure out how to make the website pay for itself (and I'm always open to suggestions) we are only looking for writers for the print magazine. Magazine features generally run from 2000-5000 words and reviews 400-1500 words.
Right now we pay 10p (UK) a word and we are constantly looking for ways to improve that, mainly by trying to sell more magazines, so feel free to tell your friends about us.
If you just want to be on our radar for future feature commissions or to be added to our pool of reviewers then send us your details, why you're interested in writing for Wyrd Science and a link to your portfolio or some examples of your writing.
If you would like to pitch a specific feature please send us a brief, 2-3 paragraph, synopsis outlining your idea. Please note that for pitches we're less interested in interviews with, for example, games designers about their latest game as we generally have a long list of those that we're already working on and we want to broaden our coverage.
What we are particularly interested in are:
Pieces that look at the culture of tabletop games and how it influences and is in turn influenced by the world around us, whether that's music, art, film, literature, politics, etc.
Features that explore and dig into particular aspects, themes or areas of our games in unexpected, fun and interesting ways.
Features that shine a light on new, up and coming, less represented or interesting areas of games and gaming.
These can all be earth shatteringly profound stories that use tabletop games as a prism to explore the human condition or they can be wonderful nonsense that fully embraces the fact that a lot of the time we're sat around tables, putting on silly voices pretending to be wizards.
If your feature is time specific please remember that our print magazine is quarterly (roughly Dec, March, June, Sept) and we tend to work around 2, or indeed more, months in advance. If in doubt please get in touch to discuss, we don't bite.
Editor, Wyrd Science